If you can no longer work due to injury or illness, Total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance helps to cover the costs of medical and rehabilitation fees as well as the future cost of living.
What is TPD insurance?
Provided either via your Superannuation fund or by a specialised insurer, TPD insurance entitles you to payment of a lump sum if you are currently unable to work within previous skills. According to our founder Kate Lane, many Australians, unfortunately, do not realise that they are entitled to this assistance.
“A lot of people do not realise that they have TPD attached to their Superannuation by default. So a very high percentage of Australians already have TPD insurance but don’t even know it,” Kate said.
Thankfully, Kate and the team are well versed in Australian insurance law. So when you reach out to Life Matters Claim we can determine what funds you may be entitled to already.
Rest assured, if there are funds available to you the can be claimed, we know how to find them.
Am I eligible for TPD insurance?
Many Australians miss out on claiming what is rightfully theirs because they do not know what they are already covered for. We’re here to make sure you know your rights.
Simply put, if you’ve suffered injury or illness and can no longer perform in your line of work, you may be entitled to a Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance benefit through your Superannuation or a specialised Insurer.
Your eligibility to make a TPD claim will depend on the requirements laid out in your specific policy, which is why we’re here to help you identify your entitlements.
What are the benefits of working with Life Matters Claims?
At Life Matters Claims we understand that issues to do with health and income protection insurance are not always straight forward. That’s why we do the groundwork for you.
With over 15 years of experience working in the insurance industry, our founder Kate Lane knows more than a thing or two about speeding up the processing of your claim.
“The process of claiming TPD can be time consuming. Often insurers think 12 months is a good time frame. So a lot of the time it takes one full year, but I’ve seen others take up to 3 years,” Kate said.
“When you work with Life Matters Claims we try to have your claim paid out in 6 months. It might seem like a long time, but it’s fast when compared to how long an insurance company would normally take.”
Often, Life Matters can have your claim paid out in only 6 weeks. By knowing exactly what insurance agencies require to come to their decision, our team can quickly take care of all necessary groundwork to gather everything the agency needs to support your specific claim. The team then submits this information to your insurer, so that all they need to do is read over everything and respond.
“That is why we can get a really quick turnaround time,” Kate said.
If your insurer says yes to your claim immediately, everything is sorted in a timely manner. In cases where you may be declined, the Life Matters team will continue to gather information to further strengthen your claim. No matter what, we are here to support you 100%.
How do I make a claim for TPD insurance?
At Life Matters Claims, we help to remove the stress of managing your TPD claim. We are claim advocates that manage your claim from start to finish and have a 100% success rate for all our clients claims to date.
Get in touch today to learn more about how we can help you with your TPD claim.